Wednesday, August 25, 2010

drake orthodontic.

i had the free reign to walk around downtown bloomington shooting at my leisure with the intent of putting my photographs on display at a new orthodontic office. so hey - if you need some braces or other work done - hit up drake orthodontic in normal. they're super cool. (but they really are, i'm not being biased.)

that kind of freedom could almost be stunting. what i think is cool or interesting may be incredibly off base. they haven't seen the photos yet so i may be wandering around again sometime soon (i'll give you a call nino.)


  1. AMAZING...can i purchase some of these prints for my house?! they are incredible.

  2. Pics are awesome, as usual! and, how cool that you get to display them at that office! You rock!

  3. I was with Em yesterday and she told me you posted these! Absolutely. Love. Them. The office is going to look amazing - thank you SO much!!
