Wednesday, April 7, 2010

funny post for funny kids.

i'm slacking and i know it. my sister came and stayed four days last week, we enjoyed beautiful weather with plenty of cookouts, then easter, and mix that with a child who crawls like crazy and loves going straight for the toilet and you have a recipe for a lacking blog.

anyway - i was skipping through a few photos from a cookout with our friends and thought i'd just share a few that made me chuckle.

first up: every single time i take my child out with another child that happens to be a girl, i get a picture like this:

(kind of being a jerk to livs.)

this one was kind of silly because sam just seems to be welcoming his bestie with open arms - and then i think of all the trouble these two will probably get in together:

(come on over buddy.)

none of us were really clear on what he was doing (probably basking in the warm sun) but it made for a seriously funny picture:

(oh yeah!)

and finally my hubs and son doing what they do: acting like little kids.

(i can too.)

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